Wedding Bouquet Toss Turns into Wrestling Match

When a Bouquet Toss Becomes a Wrestling Match

WRESTLING MATCH – A wedding bouquet toss in Bosnia on September 9, 2024, turned into an unexpected fight, catching the attention of guests and people online. The traditional toss, which began in the 1800s in the United Kingdom and is believed to show who the next bride will be, took a surprising turn when the single women at the event became overly eager.

After the bride threw her bouquet, several women were determined to catch it. Even though one woman managed to grab the flowers, others still tried to pull it away from her, leading to a physical struggle. In the chaos, flower petals fell off, tempers rose, and the tussle escalated into hair-pulling. Some of the women’s evening gowns were torn, adding to the confusion.

Three of the single women were especially determined, refusing to give up on the bouquet and fighting each other for it. The situation became so intense that even the bride and the DJ had to step in. The DJ pleaded for them to stop, as they were already hurting each other. One guest suggested that the bride should throw the bouquet again, but the three women still wouldn’t give up.

At first, the wedding guests were shocked by the fight, but soon many found it funny. One guest noted that the three women were so committed to the struggle that it became a matter of pride for them not to let go of the bouquet.

When a video of the incident was shared online, many people criticized the women involved, calling their actions “pathetic” and saying they had no dignity. Some even joked that the women could win medals in wrestling. Despite the commotion, the video did not reveal who ended up with the bouquet, leaving many curious about the final outcome of this unusual event.

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