PNP Explains Why Quiboloy, Co-Accused Mugshots Are Blurred

PNP Explains Blurring of Quiboloy and Co-Accused Mugshots

PNP – The Philippine National Police clarified why they released blurred versions of the mugshots of Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC) leader Pastor Apollo Quiboloy and his co-accused.

According to PNP spokesperson Police Colonel Jean Fajardo, the decision to blur the mugshots complies with a directive from the Commission on Human Rights (CHR), which requires that suspects’ faces should not be fully visible in photos whenever possible. This protocol has been applied to previous cases, even involving ordinary individuals arrested by regional police units.

Fajardo further explained that the official mugshot of former Bamban, Tarlac mayor Alice Guo, which was also released by the PNP, was similarly blurred, adhering to the same CHR guidelines.

When questioned about why Quiboloy and his co-accused were presented to the media with their faces covered, unlike Guo, Fajardo said as per the report of GMA News that this was a specific request made by Quiboloy and his group. She pointed out that this request was granted as it is within their rights. In contrast, Guo was comfortable wearing a face mask during her media appearance, though she chose to turn her back at one point, which was also her right.

Quiboloy and the other accused individuals are currently detained at the PNP Custodial Center in Camp Crame, Quezon City. On the morning of their detention, the detainees were provided with a breakfast of hard-boiled eggs, corned beef, rice, and coffee. Fajardo mentioned that she spoke with Quiboloy, who informed her that he was doing well under the circumstances. She added that the detainees were gradually adjusting to their situation in custody.

Meanwhile, Pastor Apollo Quiboloy and his co-accused were apprehended on September 8, 2024, in Davao City after a series of police operations that had been ongoing in his compound. The Philippine National Police (PNP) later revealed that Quiboloy had surrendered to the Intelligence Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (ISAFP) following a 24-hour ultimatum issued by the PNP. Subsequently, Quiboloy was transported to Metro Manila and detained at the PNP headquarters in Camp Crame, Quezon City.

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