Lolit Solis Admires the Bravery of Alice Guo

Lolit Solis is Impressed by Alice Guo’s Courage

LOLIT SOLIS – The talent manager and showbiz columnist expressed her admiration for the bravery of dismissed Bamban, Tarlac mayor Alice Guo during her Senate hearing on September 9, 2024.

Guo, who was captured in Indonesia and returned to the Philippines, faced the Senate to address various issues. Lolit closely followed the hearing and was impressed by Guo’s courage in dealing with the senators despite the tough situation.

In her Instagram post, Lolit praised Guo for her grace and charm. She mentioned that although Guo seemed to be “played” by the hearing, she still handled it with impressive calm. Lolit admired Guo’s bravery, noting that it was remarkable how Guo faced the senators without showing fear or nervousness.

Lolit Solis

Lolit also said that if she were a man, she would court Guo, finding her very appealing. She observed that Guo’s connections and financial resources, possibly linked to Pogo operations, could make her life story interesting enough for a movie. According to Lolit, Guo’s life is full of dramatic twists and turns, including issues like corruption in obtaining official documents.

In another post, Lolit criticized the Senate hearing’s setup, saying that Sen. Joel Villanueva seemed to dominate the questioning, leaving other senators with less opportunity to ask questions. She also noted that a woman sitting behind Villanueva was distracting, which took away from the focus of the hearing. Despite these issues, Lolit appreciated the moments when other senators like Win Gatchalian, Bong Revilla, and Bato de la Rosa contributed.

Lolit concluded by emphasizing her admiration for Guo’s strength and bravery. She noted that Guo handled the intense scrutiny with impressive resilience and remained composed throughout the hearing. Lolit’s comments reflect a mix of respect for Guo’s personal qualities and criticism of the Senate hearing’s conduct.

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