Donny Pangilinan Shocked After Female Fan Unexpectedly Steals a Kiss from Him

Female Fan Steals a Kiss from Donny Pangilinan

DONNY PANGILINAN – The actor was left visibly shocked after a female fan unexpectedly stole a kiss from him during an out-of-town basketball event.

A video of the incident went viral on social media, showing Donny walking on the court when a woman approached him for a selfie. After taking the photo, the fan suddenly kissed him before walking away. Although Donny laughed off the situation, it was clear he was surprised by the unexpected kiss.

The incident sparked a wave of reactions from netizens, with many expressing concern about the lack of security at the event. Fans pointed out that the security staff should have done more to protect Donny and other celebrities from such close encounters.

The situation also ignited a debate online about gender-based double standards in harassment. Some netizens highlighted that if the roles were reversed, and a male fan had kissed a female celebrity without consent, the response would have been much harsher. Many argued that just because Donny is a man doesn’t make the act any less inappropriate, emphasizing the importance of respecting personal boundaries regardless of gender.

Other comments downplayed the situation, with some saying it was just a kiss and not a big deal. Some even suggested that Donny should consider it an act of admiration from a fan. However, others disagreed, pointing out the potential risks involved, especially with concerns about infectious diseases.

Several netizens also expressed frustration over the growing trend of fans overstepping boundaries with celebrities. They urged fellow fans to be more mindful and respectful of the personal space of public figures.

Meanwhile, at the same event, Donny’s on-screen partner, Belle Mariano also had an awkward encounter with a fan. After a performance, a fan approached Belle with flowers and stayed too close, creating some tension. Security initially intervened but kept their distance when the fan requested space for a photo. Although Belle was okay with the fan’s presence, security later stepped in because the fan was too close.

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