Young Girl Traps Her Hand After Leaning Against Elevator Door

Young Girl’s Hand Gets Stuck in Elevator Door

CCTV footage captures a young girl who had her hand trapped in an elevator door in a building in Sichuan, China.

In the video, a little girl and her grandmother are seen entering the elevator. The child stands by the door, leaning against it. When the elevator arrives at their floor and the door opens, it becomes clear that the child’s hand is caught between the door and the frame.

The commotion catches the attention of the girl’s parents, who quickly rush to help. The grandmother presses the elevator alarm and runs back to their unit. She grabs a bottle of cooking oil and uses it to free the child’s hand from the door.

Young Girl

Thankfully, the child was taken to the hospital promptly and, fortunately, did not suffer any serious injuries. The incident shows the importance of being extra cautious around elevators, especially with young children.

The child’s parents agreed to share the video to help others understand the potential dangers and to remind everyone to be vigilant when using elevators.

The building’s management hopes that by showing this footage, they can prevent similar accidents in the future and encourage families to take extra precautions to ensure their safety.

Here are some steps to safely remove a hand stuck in the elevator door:

•          Try to stay calm to avoid panicking, which can make the situation worse.

•          If you’re not alone, alert others immediately. Call for building maintenance or emergency services if necessary.

•          Most elevators have an alarm button that can be pressed to signal for help. This will also stop the elevator if it’s in motion.

•          If you have access to the elevator’s control panel, try to see if you can reverse the door movement to release the trapped finger.

•          If the door mechanism allows, applying a lubricant such as cooking oil, soap, or even water can help ease the stuck finger out. Be cautious with this approach to avoid making the situation worse.

•          Carefully and gently try to wiggle or pull the finger free without causing further injury.

•          After freeing the finger, check for any injuries. If there is significant pain, swelling, or damage, seek medical attention promptly.

•          Educate everyone about the importance of staying clear of elevator doors and the potential risks involved.

In a similar post, a man goes viral for mistakenly believing he was stranded inside elevator

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Young Girl

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