SB19 Stell Addresses Rumors About Him Being Gay

SB19 Stell Addresses Gender Issue

STELL AJERO – The leader of P-pop group SB19 has addressed rumors about his gender, stating that he doesn’t mind if people think he’s gay.

In an interview on “Fast Talk with Boy Abunda” on August 27, 2024, Stell expressed that he does not mind if people think he is gay and questioned what the problem would be if he were. He emphasized that such issues do not affect him and that he remains unaffected by public opinions.

Stell explained that he has been dealing with similar questions and criticisms about his appearance and behavior since joining SB19. He finds it puzzling that people might consider his orientation a problem, arguing that everyone is human and has the same basic needs and rights. He asserted that negative comments about his orientation do not concern him.

“Ako, for example, lagi po akong natatanong o lagi pong nagiging issue sa akin yon, and I don’t mind na kung if ever man isipin nila na ganon. Kasi, if ever man na ganon ako, what’s the problem? So if ever na ganoon ako, anong problema? So, may issue ba tayo if for example maging bakla ako or anything naman na matawag niyo sa akin?” he said.

The ongoing speculation about Stell’s orientation has been partly fueled by fans who engage in “shipping” him with his SB19 co-member, Pablo. This has led to the creation of romantic narratives about their interactions, which has sparked further discussion and questioning. Stell acknowledged that while fan shipping is unavoidable, it should be viewed as normal friendship rather than something to be scrutinized excessively.

Ken, another member of SB19, supported Stell’s view and highlighted that their group has worked hard to build their reputation. He stressed the importance of being mindful of their actions and how they are perceived, as first impressions on social media can significantly impact public perception. Ken noted that while fan engagement is part of being in the public eye, it should remain positive and respectful and avoid creating unnecessary conflict.

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