Richard Gomez and Lucy Torres’s Daughter Juliana Graduates Cum Laude from UP

Juliana, Daughter of Richard Gomez and Lucy Torres, Graduates Cum Laude from UP

JULIANA GOMEZ – Showbiz couple Richard Gomez and Lucy Torres-Gomez are celebrating with immense pride after their only child graduated cum laude with a degree in Public Administration from the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman. This achievement marks a significant milestone for the family and reflects Juliana’s dedication and hard work throughout her academic journey.

Richard took to social media to share his feelings about Juliana’s graduation. He fondly recalled the early days of her schooling, remembering how he used to drive her to school in her simple white shirt, jeans, and rubber shoes.

Reflecting on the journey from those early school days to her impressive college graduation, Richard expressed his amazement at how swiftly time has passed and his deep pride in Juliana’s accomplishments. He described the graduation ceremony as an emotional event, noting that both he and Lucy were moved to tears. Richard praised Juliana for her perseverance and hard work and encouraged her to continue striving for excellence and making a positive impact on the world.

Juliana also took the opportunity to express her gratitude to UP for the chance to be a scholar-athlete. In her social media post, she highlighted how honored she felt to be part of the university and conveyed her deep affection for her alma mater.

Lucy responded with a heartfelt message, describing the overwhelming emotions she felt seeing Juliana graduate. She praised Juliana’s quiet determination and hard work, expressing her belief that her daughter’s best achievements are still to come.

Juliana’s response to her mother’s message was filled with love and appreciation, acknowledging that words alone could not fully express her gratitude. The heartfelt posts from Juliana and her parents underscore the strong support, love, and pride within the Gomez-Torres family as they celebrate this significant academic achievement.

Related Post: Juliana Gomez Speaks On Being An Only Child

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