Man Resigns from Job Because He Can’t Spend Time w/ His Girlfriend

Desperate Man Resigns from Job to Spend More Time w/ His Girlfriend

RESIGNATION LETTER – A man recently made headlines after resigning from his job to spend more time with his girlfriend.

A resignation letter is a formal document that an employee submits to their employer to announce their decision to leave their job. It typically includes the employee’s intention to resign, the date of their last working day, and sometimes a brief explanation for their departure.

The letter is a professional way to notify the employer of the decision and ensure a smooth transition, allowing the employer to prepare for the employee’s departure.


Recently, a man resigned from his job because he couldn’t spend time with his girlfriend due to his demanding work schedule. The post garnered various reactions from the internet users.

His resignation letter caught the attention of many online as he explained that his demanding work schedule was affecting his relationship. According to his letter, his girlfriend repeatedly asked him out on Fridays and Saturdays, but he could never join her due to work commitments.

He mentioned that his girlfriend had grown frustrated with his constant work-related excuses from Monday to Saturday. Additionally, she found Sundays challenging because he was either busy with chores or attending church.


The man expressed that he did not want their relationship to end simply because of his job. He requested understanding from his boss, hoping they would respect his decision.

The post sparks a lot of conversation about work-life balance and what people are willing to sacrifice for their loved ones. Many people are asking themselves if they would be willing to resign from their jobs if it meant they could spend more quality time with their partners.

The man’s decision shows the struggle between maintaining a job and nurturing a relationship. It raises questions about how much time people are willing to give up for their loved ones and what priorities they set in their lives.

The incident might encourage others to reflect on their own work-life balance and consider what truly matters in their personal relationships.

In a previous story, a Chowking crew taking orders outside store in Davao resigns

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