Kuwaiti Couple Gets Divorced Three Minutes After Their Wedding

Three Minutes After Their Wedding, Kuwaiti Couple Gets Divorced

FASTEST DIVORCE – A Kuwaiti couple’s marriage in 2019, which ended just three minutes after the vows and was dubbed “probably the shortest marriage,” has recently gone viral again on social media.

The story begins at a courthouse in Kuwait, where the couple had just been declared husband and wife. As they were leaving the venue, the bride tripped, prompting the groom to call her “stupid.” Angered by the insult, the bride immediately returned to the courthouse and requested the judge to annul their marriage. The judge complied, issuing a divorce decree just three minutes after the couple had exchanged vows.

This event sparked discussions about the divorce process in Kuwait, particularly for women. According to information from the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait, women can utilize the “Shari’a” or “khali’a” divorce options, which allow them to divorce their husbands relatively quickly without needing to establish specific grounds, provided they agree to forfeit their rights to their husband’s property and assets, though they retain custody of their children.

A similar incident occurred in the Philippines in February 2024, when a groom abandoned his bride on their wedding day in Cebu. The groom, who had traveled with his family from Pamplona, Negros Oriental, to marry the bride in Bairan, Naga, Cebu, left her after she refused to leave with him immediately after the ceremony. The bride explained that she couldn’t go because she wanted to stay and take care of her mother. Meanwhile, the groom, frustrated by the situation, left without informing the bride, leaving her to care for the guests at the reception.

The bride later recounted, in tears, how the groom had left without saying goodbye. She claimed that she had been willing to go with him but wanted to attend to their guests first. The groom’s abrupt departure left her heartbroken, adding another layer of sadness to what should have been a joyous occasion.

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