Guy Spends PHP 57,000 on Billboard to Find a Date

To Find a Date, Guy Spends $1,000 or PHP 57,000 on Billboard

DAVE KLINE – The 28-year-old data manager from West Philadelphia, has spent PHP 57,000 on a billboard to find a date. The ad features a large photo of Dave with the message, “Dave is Single! Want to go on a DATE with DAVE?” along with his social media account details for direct messaging.

Dave paid $1,000 (PHP 57,000) for the billboard’s one-month run. His aim was primarily to create a humorous project, but he has benefited from it as well, receiving around 100 messages daily. He noted that while the billboard was meant to be funny, it has successfully attracted attention, with many women reaching out to him.

In an interview with 6abc Philadelphia, Dave expressed his surprise and pleasure at the response. He acknowledged that his initial intent was to entertain, but he’s also happy that the billboard is effectively connecting him with people. Dave has received messages from women who are interested in dating, which he appreciates.

He also shared that the billboard was a bucket list item for him, fulfilling a personal dream. Dave’s ideal date involves lunch in the park, and he enjoys food. In a post on Instagram, Dave explained that the billboard was intended to be a lighthearted and fun way to find a date. He emphasized that he is genuinely single and encouraged people in Philadelphia or nearby areas to reach out, provided they avoid sending spam or threats.

Recently, Dave has been sharing Instagram Stories from people who have reposted his billboard to help him find a date. His latest update on Instagram revealed that he has gone on two dates but is still single, demonstrating that while the billboard has generated significant interest, his search for a partner continues.

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