Netizens Express Frustration Over the Movie “Dear Satan” Starring Paolo Contis
DEAR SATAN – The movie starring Paolo Contis, Aya Fernandez, and Shienna Stevens has elicited mixed reactions from netizens.
The movie titled “Dear Satan” is a newly produced film starring Paolo Contis, Aya Fernandez, and Shienna Stevens. In the trailer, a child character named Chichi (played by Shienna Stevens) is shown attempting to write a letter to Santa, but she mistakenly addresses it to Satan.
Satan (played by Paolo Contis) receives the letter and believes he has one more soul to claim. Despite his efforts to tempt Chichi, he fails. A girl (played by Aya Fernandez) advises Satan to “give time” to Chichi, so he begins to show “kindness” by granting her every wish. Over time, Satan finds himself developing a “soft spot” for the child.

Apparently, some netizens did not like the depiction of Satan in the movie. Many stated that Satan doesn’t have a soft spot. Another netizen urged parents not to allow their children to watch the movie.

“Pls parents guard your children, don’t allow them to watch this movie in Internet, bakuran nyo sila sa prayer at wag hayaan na gumamit ng celfon. A BIG NO for this movie. Satan doesn’t want any good to happen to your children, he wants to destroy them, to harm them. So please don’t support this movie. Lalo na sa mga bata,” said a certain Rose Digman Zanoria.
Meanwhile, Satan is a complex figure across religious and cultural traditions, often representing evil or opposition to the divine. In Judeo-Christian beliefs, he starts as an adversary in the Old Testament, testing human righteousness, but in the New Testament, he becomes a fallen angel who tempts humanity into sin.

In Islam, Satan, or Iblis, is a jinn who rebels against God and leads humans astray. Similar figures exist in other traditions, like Angra Mainyu in Zoroastrianism, symbolizing evil. Modern interpretations of Satan range from a symbol of rebellion to the embodiment of evil, challenging humans to choose between good and evil.