Big Brother Demands Half of Sister’s Lotto Winnings

Woman’s Big Brother Demanded Half of Her Lotto Winnings

FAMILY CONFLICT – After a woman won the lotto, her big brother immediately demanded half of the winnings, citing their familial bond and a childhood promise.

A Reddit user known as Interesting_Owl_3159, or Vedoric, won the lottery in February 2024. Although the amount wasn’t life-changing, it was enough to pay off some debts and take a small vacation. Vedoric, who has always been cautious with money, described herself as someone who saves where possible and works multiple jobs to stay afloat. Her 32-year-old brother, however, has a different approach, spending money as quickly as he earns it, often on unnecessary things.

When Vedoric’s brother learned about the lottery win, he immediately demanded half of the winnings, citing their familial bond and a childhood promise where Vedoric said she would share anything she won. Vedoric acknowledged the childhood promise but clarified that she never expected it to be taken seriously, especially over something significant.

Vedoric refused to give her brother half of the money, explaining that she had plans to use it for paying off debts and saving for emergencies. Instead, she offered financial advice and support to help her brother manage his money better, but made it clear that she wouldn’t just hand over a large portion of her winnings. Since then, Vedoric’s brother has grown distant and accused her of being selfish and uncaring toward her family. Their parents have remained neutral, though Vedoric senses they are disappointed. Opinions among relatives are mixed, with some saying she should have shared to maintain peace, while others agree with her decision.

Seeking advice, Vedoric asked Reddit users if she was wrong for not sharing her winnings. According to, most responses were supportive, affirming that the money was hers to use as she wished. Some users noted that while the winnings might seem substantial, they wouldn’t last long once expenses are considered. Others pointed out that Vedoric’s brother is not entitled to any of the money and suggested alternatives, like offering a grocery store gift card to help with basic needs.

Ultimately, Vedoric received encouragement from the Reddit community to protect her winnings, ignore external pressures, and enjoy her money while being cautious with how she handles it.

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