75-Year-Old Grandpa Still Working Hard Selling Bananas & Corn for His Family

75-Year-Old Grandpa Earns Admiration for Working Despite Old Age to Support His Family

A 75-year-old grandpa still works hard selling bananas and corn to earn money to provide the needs of his family.

Poverty is a state where individuals or communities lack the financial resources and essentials needed to meet their basic needs. This often includes necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, and access to healthcare and education.

Poverty can also extend to a lack of opportunities for employment, social services, and other resources that improve quality of life.

75-Year-Old Grandpa

Nowadays, many people are willing to take on any honest job to support their families. Sacrifices are made, and endurance is key. This is especially true for a 75-year-old grandfather in Barangay Pembo, Makati City, who is still diligently selling boiled bananas and corn.

Recently, Karen Juliano-Jimenez, a Facebook user, shared photos of an this elderly man, who has been selling his goods for over a decade. Despite the challenges of rain and even a pandemic, he continues to work, determined to provide for his loved ones.

75-Year-Old Grandpa

In the photos, the grandpa uses a simple towel as protection against the rain, seeking shelter whenever possible to avoid getting soaked. His dedication is evident as he remains committed to his work regardless of the weather conditions.

The netizen’s post appeals for help, urging people who see the grandpa to support him by buying his products. The goal is to help him sell his goods quickly so he can go home and rest.

75-Year-Old Grandpa

The heartwarming story shows the incredible resilience and determination of individuals who continue to work hard even in their later years. It reminds us of the value of supporting those who work tirelessly for their families and the importance of lending a helping hand to those in need.

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75-Year-Old Grandpa

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