Woman With Disabilities Invited to Wedding to Babysit Guests’ Kids

PWD Woman Invited to Wedding to Babysit Guests’ Kids

BABYSITTER? – A woman with disabilities found out she was invited to a wedding to babysit guests’ kids.

Reddit user “EdenCapwell” was thrilled to receive a wedding invitation but was shocked by an unexpected twist. On July 11, 2024, EdenCapwell shared a post detailing the unusual and disappointing aspects of the invitation.

According to EdenCapwell, the wedding invitation included a small index card with unexpected news. While her husband was invited to both the wedding and reception, she was assigned to look after the children of other guests in a separate room. The note also instructed her to dress formally for the event, despite her role as a temporary caregiver. Additionally, it stated that she and her husband were required to pay $100 each (around PHP 5,833.85) for their meals, totaling $200 (about PHP 11,667.70) if they attended the reception.

EdenCapwell expressed her frustration, pointing out that she is a 50-year-old person with disabilities, including needing an oxygen machine and help to walk. She felt that being assigned to babysit while her husband attended the ceremony was both demeaning and impractical due to her health issues. She also questioned why she was given a lesser role despite her long-standing friendship with the bride’s mother.

Consulting with etiquette expert Rosalinda Randall, EdenCapwell learned that such an invitation, which includes tasks and payment requirements, is not considered a genuine invitation but more of a “job offer.” Randall advised EdenCapwell to either decline the invitation, send a gift, or attend only the ceremony and leave quickly.

Many Reddit users as per PEP.ph agreed with Randall’s advice, supporting EdenCapwell’s feelings of hurt and disappointment. Some suggested responses ranged from refusing to attend to jokingly demanding babysitting fees. EdenCapwell’s follow-up revealed a negative response from the bride’s mother, who did not want her in wedding photos due to her health conditions, further confirming EdenCapwell’s decision to skip the wedding.

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