4-Year-Old Girl Cuts Her Own Bangs, Leaving Just 1 Inch

4-Year-Old Girl Bursts Into Tears After Cutting Her Own Bangs

HAIRCUT MISHAP – A four-year-old girl goes viral and brings laughter online for cutting her bangs, leaving just one inch.

We’ve all had moments of boredom, but no matter how bored you get, don’t cut your own bangs. A young girl learned her lesson the hard way after cutting her own bangs.

Recently, Grezy Anne Francis, a Facebook user, shared a video of her four-year-old niece named Samara Glaze Francis who couldn’t stop the toddler from crying after her hair-cutting adventure left her bangs with barely an inch.

4-Year-Old Girl

Grezy couldn’t stop the waterworks when she discovered her niece’s naughty act. It seems that the little hairstylist-in-training managed to sneak a pair of scissors from the family’s sewing area.

According to Grezy, they have a tailoring shop, and it seems that Samara managed to sneak one of the scissors from the shop and decided to cut her own bangs.

However, Samara was not alone in this hair-raising experience. Many of us have childhood stories of DIY haircuts gone wrong.

The mishap may serve as a reminder to all the parents and guardians to keep those scissors under lock and key. And to all the bored kids and adults thinking about a quick trim, step away from the scissors. Hair grows back, but the photos of these moments last forever.

The video has a caption:

“POV na tempt ka ng gunting na ubusin bangs mo”

Remember, recklessly cutting bangs can lead to several consequences, some humorous and others more serious. DIY bangs often end up crooked and it takes time to grow back, leading to an uncomfortable in-between stage.

The immediate aftermath often brings feelings of regret and embarrassment because poorly cut bangs can be difficult to style or manage.

The online community expressed their reactions to the video:

4-Year-Old Girl
4-Year-Old Girl

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