TikToker Shares Heartwarming Video of Child Begging on the Street

TikToker Shares Heartwarming Encounter of Child Begging on the Street

A TikToker shared a heartwarming video of a young child begging on the street, they provided some help to the beggar.

Recently, a TikTok user named chrstiinyyy shared a heartwarming video of a young beggar along the street. The post circulated online and garnered various reactions from the internet users.

The video shows a tear-jerking encounter with a young child begging on the street, pointing out the power of small acts of kindness.


In the video, the TikToker and her friends were stopping at a Dunkin’ Donuts for coffee when they noticed a child asking for alms. The child’s mother was lying nearby on the sidewalk. This sight prompted them to take action.

Initially, they first gave the child some money from what was left over from their recent outing. Realizing they had leftover food from their trip, they decided to share it.

The kind-hearted individuals asked if the family had a container for the food. When told they didn’t, the group used one of their own containers to pack the food. They inquired if the child had other companions to share the food with, showing concern for other family members.

@chrstiinyyy small act of kindness This made me cried for how grateful we are in our life living than to others who haven't been experienced of having a good life. Sabi nga, sharing to others is the best happiness you will feel. #kindness #sharingofgoodthings ♬ original sound – lov u

The young beggar expressed heartfelt thanks for the help received. Upon approaching the mother, the group realized the family had just eaten and even had a dog with them, adding complexity to their situation.

The TikToker mentioned crying with gratitude, recognizing her own fortunate situation compared to others. Ceejeey emphasized that they weren’t vloggers or aspiring content creators, suggesting their actions were genuine and not for online attention.


The experience made them appreciate their own lives more deeply. They expressed that sharing with others brings the greatest happiness.

The story shows the ongoing issue of poverty and homelessness, particularly affecting families with children.

In a similar story, a generous netizen treats beggar & his children at fast-food chain

The video has a caption:

“small act of kindness

This made me cry for how grateful we are for our life than for others who haven’t experienced of having a good life. Sabi nga, sharing with others is the best happiness you will feel.”

The online community expressed their reactions to the post:

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