Masbate Mini Zoo Shut Down for Feeding Live Cat to Snake

Mini Zoo in Masbate Shut Down for Feeding a Live Cat to a Snake

MASBATE MINI ZOO – Authorities in Masbate have permanently shut down a mini zoo following a viral video showing stray cats being used as snake food. The video, recorded by a visitor, depicted a frail cat waiting beside a snake inside one of the zoo’s enclosures.

On June 19, 2024, the City Veterinarian Office of Masbate announced the permanent closure of the zoo and an impending investigation into how the facility was allowed to operate. That same day, representatives from the City Veterinarian Office and the Business Permit Licensing Office met with the zoo’s owner. Following a thorough assessment and coordination with relevant agencies, they decided to close the zoo and transfer all its animals to appropriate authorities.

The City Government of Masbate has committed to implementing stricter regulations and conducting regular inspections to ensure all facilities, especially those housing animals, adhere to high standards of care. This initiative aims to prevent similar incidents and promote a culture of compassion and responsibility towards all living beings.

Many believe the mini zoo had been engaging in these illegal practices for some time to cut operational costs. The zoo’s caretaker, meanwhile, claimed that the cat had escaped from its cage, but he failed to provide any evidence to support this assertion.

Meanwhile, snakes usually eat foods that are similar to what they would find in the wild. Common foods for snakes include mice, rats, and rabbits, chosen based on the snake’s size. Smaller snakes may eat bugs, frogs, and small fish. These food items are often provided frozen and thawed for safety and ease. It’s important not to feed snakes live prey to avoid injuries and stress. Larger snakes might eat chicks or quail. Each type of snake has specific food needs, so it’s important to research and provide the right food to keep them healthy.

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