Man Wakes Up to Find Venomous Cobra Inside His Underwear

A venomous cobra was found inside the underwear of a Thai man

THAILAND – A man had a frightening encounter when he woke up to discover a venomous cobra inside his underwear. The incident, which took place on June 8, 2024, gained widespread attention after his friend, Ner Kwai Tai, posted a video on Facebook capturing the dramatic rescue.

The video showed the man lying on a mattress inside his home, visibly shocked and motionless, wearing only boxer shorts. Upon learning about the snake, a crowd quickly gathered outside the house while two animal rescuers arrived at the scene. Inside, the rescuers carefully assessed the situation and located the snake hidden within the man’s clothing.

Using specialized tools, one rescuer delicately extracted the snake from the man’s underwear. The snake, identified as a venomous cobra, was safely secured by its tail to prevent any potential harm. Only after the snake was removed did the man, who had remained still throughout the ordeal, finally stand up.

Cobras are widely feared snakes due to their highly poisonous venom. Their venom primarily targets the nervous system with a complex mix of proteins and enzymes. When a cobra bites, it injects venom through its long, hollow fangs located at the front of its mouth. This venom acts quickly, causing immediate pain, swelling, and potentially severe neurological effects in victims.

The toxins in cobra venom disrupt nerve signals, leading to paralysis and, in severe cases, difficulty breathing or heart failure. This potent venom is crucial for cobras to quickly immobilize and capture prey, as well as defend against predators. Different types of cobras have varying levels of venom potency, but all pose a significant threat to humans.

In medical research, cobra venom is extensively studied for its potential to develop antivenoms to treat snakebites and explore its use in medicines for nervous system disorders.

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