Arnie Teves’ Lawyers Hoping for Favorable Decision from Timor-Leste Court

Extradition of Arnie Teves Case in Timor-Leste Ends

ARNIE TEVES – The lawyers of former Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo Teves is hoping for a favorable decision from Timor-Leste Court.

In March 2023, countless Filipinos were shocked by an incident in Negros Oriental. Its then Governor, Roel Degamo, was attacked at his house in Pamplona by unidentified men who barged in to their residence.

Governor Roel Degamo

Degamo did not survive the incident. Aside from him, several people were also left dead by the incident. There were also individuals who got injured. One of the suspects in the death of the former Negros Oriental Governor is the then Congressman of the 3rd District of Negros Oriental, Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr.

Arnie Teves Jr

Teves was already in abroad when he was tagged as one of the suspects in the death of Degamo. Through the videos he posted online, he denied the allegations that he was behind the plot to kill the then-Governor. Teves refused to come home to the Philippines despite the PH government calling for it.

According to Teves, he was concerned about his safety. However, the world became narrow for the former Negros Oriental Congressman. Currently, Teves is under a house arrest in Timor-Leste. Extradition hearings were held regarding the charges against him.

Photo Source: Atty. Ferdinand Topacio

Several officials of the Philippine government stood as witness against Teves in the charges against him. There were also PH officials who testified in support of the expelled Negros Oriental 3rd District Representative. The extradition hearings ended last week.

Based on a report on ABS-CBN News, the lawyers of Arnie Teves are hopeful for a favorable decision from the Court in Timor-Leste. Both the Philippine government and the camp finished the presentation of their witnesses before the Court of Appeals in Timor-Leste.

“All I would like to say on record is that we gave it our best shot, and hope and pray that the East Timor court would follow what is in the Constitution,” Attorney Ferdinand Topacio.

Based on the article, the lawyer of Arnie Teves expressed his hope that the East Timor court will “follow what is in the Constitution, without regard to the diplomatic pressure that the Philippines government has been exerting”.

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