13 Dogs Abandoned Outside Motel in Manila

In Manila, thirteen dogs were abandoned outside a motel

MANILA – A concerned netizen is appealing for help, especially from animal welfare advocates, regarding 13 abandoned dogs at a motel in Sta. Mesa.

Abandoning dogs is harmful for several reasons. Firstly, dogs are social animals that rely on human companionship for their well-being. When they are abandoned, they experience feelings of loneliness and anxiety, which can lead to behavioral issues like aggression or excessive barking.

Secondly, abandoned dogs are at risk of injury, illness, and starvation. They may wander into dangerous situations, such as busy roads, where they could get hit by cars or become victims of cruelty. Without access to food and clean water, they are vulnerable to malnutrition and dehydration.

Additionally, abandoned dogs contribute to the problem of pet overpopulation. Stray dogs can breed with other strays or owned dogs, leading to more unwanted puppies that may end up in shelters or on the streets themselves.

Furthermore, abandoning dogs is unethical and goes against our responsibilities as pet owners. When we bring a dog into our lives, we make a commitment to provide them with love, care, and a safe home for their entire lives.

On that note, a concerned netizen is appealing for help, especially from animal welfare advocates, regarding 13 abandoned dogs at a motel in Sta. Mesa, Manila. In her Facebook post, Marie Lourdes Garcia shared a video of the pitiful dogs seeking shelter outside the motel amid heavy rainfall.

According to Garcia, the dogs were left behind by their previous caretakers after the neighboring house was demolished. She expressed concern that the dogs might be taken by the dog pound. “Please help these 13 abandoned dogs in Sta. Mesa beside Gardenia Drive-In Motels,” she stated in her post.

Related Post: Lady Netizen Found Abandoned Dog w/ Note Attached to Her Leash

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