Quit Smoking: Here’s Activities To Do Instead Of Smoking

Quit Smoking: Four (4) Activities to Engage in Rather Than Smoking

QUIT SMOKING – In this article, you will discover the four (4) activities to engage in rather than smoking cigarettes.

Deciding to quit smoking becomes more manageable when discovering alternative activities to replace the time devoted to smoking, as suggested by the National Institutes of Health. Breaking unhealthy habits, like smoking, involves substituting them with healthier routines, and despite the initial challenge, changing habits may not be as formidable as it seems.

Changing Your Environment

Research indicates that the pivotal factor in habit change lies in making wise environmental choices. Wendy Wood, a psychology professor at Duke University, underscores the significant role environmental cues play in shaping behavior. Smokers aiming to quit can benefit from her advice by being mindful of their usual smoking spots and consciously avoiding them. Altering physical locations increases the likelihood of sustaining new behaviors over time.

Photo Source: Everyonehealth

New Activities and Routine

Smoking is a complex habit to break due to both physical nicotine addiction and intertwined daily activities. Creating new routines not automatically linked to smoking is vital. Initiating changes, such as having lunch with friends instead of at the desk or engaging in family activities before dinner, disrupts the automatic association with smoking.

Building Better Habits: Stay Dedicated

While withdrawal symptoms from nicotine may persist, acknowledging them as temporary is crucial. Developing healthier habits, along with potential medical support like nicotine replacement therapy, helps manage withdrawal symptoms. The rewards of not smoking, such as breathing fresh air, experiencing an invigorated feeling from exercise, and spending more quality time with family and friends, will ultimately outweigh the old experiences associated with smoking. Staying dedicated to these new, healthier habits is likely to lead to long-term satisfaction with the decision to quit smoking.

Photo Source: Carehospitals

Finding a New Reward

Charles Duhigg, an expert on habits and author of “The Power of Habit,” suggests that habits consist of three elements: a cue, a routine, and a reward. To modify the smoking habit, understanding the triggers is crucial. For example, if socializing is closely tied to smoking breaks, finding new ways to socialize without smoking becomes imperative. Identifying and adjusting the cues, routines, and rewards associated with smoking allows individuals to develop a plan, replacing smoking breaks with healthier alternatives like taking a brisk walk with a nonsmoking friend.

READ ALSO: 8 Steps On How To Stop Smoking For Good

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