Details about the DSWD Food Cash Assistance Offer for Filipinos in Crisis
DSWD FOOD CASH ASSISTANCE – Here is a guide on the qualifications in applying for the food assistance offer of the Department of Social Welfare and Development and the amount a beneficiary may get.
One of the biggest government offices in the country is the Department of Social Welfare and Development or more popularly called DSWD. It offers several services that benefit countless Filipino people across the nation most especially the poor.

The DSWD has launched several cash aid offering-programs to attend to the needs of many Filipinos. One of these programs is the AICS or the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation. There are several offers under the AICS which attend to different crisis situations.

Under the AICS, here are the cash aid offers provided to help the eligibility Filipinos in different situations:
- Medical Assistance
- Transportation Assistance
- Burial Assistance
- Educational Assistance
- Food Assistance
With regards to the DSWD Food Cash Assistance offer under the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations, it is open for several individuals who are in crisis situations including the following:
- individuals who are caring for their sick relatives in the hospital
- the grantee(s) of the transportation cash aid on his/her/their return to their home province or attendance to court hearings
- the grantee(s) of the DSWD Transportation Cash Assistance on his/her/their return to their home province
- stranded individuals due to emergency situations
- rescued individuals
According to the social welfare department, aside from the DSWD Food cash assistance, it may also release the aid in the form of food packs or through a voucher with monetary value. At least Php 80 per meal per individual may be provided by the DSWD for up to a maximum of eight (8) days.
The assistance may be released in the form of cash but it may also be in the form of food packs or a voucher with a monetary value. Under the DSWD Food Cash Assistance, an amount of at least Php 80 per meal per individual may be granted by the social welfare department for up to a maximum of eight (8) days.
In applying for the DSWD Food Cash Assistance offer, here are the documents or requirements that you must submit to the government office:
- valid ID
- Barangay Certificate or Residency / Certificate of Indigency / Certificate that the client is in need of assistance
- Authorization Letter, if applicable