Here’s how to transfer your money from your Maya Savings to your Maya wallet
MAYA MONEY TRANSFER – This article will teach you on how to transfer your money from your Maya Savings to your Maya Wallet.
A Maya Savings is a product of Maya Bank that lets you start a savings account in the app where you can keep your money secure while it earns interest that is based on your average daily balance per annum.
With this product, you can easily transfer money to your wallet and to other bank accounts through PESONet (with InstaPay coming soon). You can also deposit your money on your Savings account as much as you want because there’s no minimum maintaining balance there.

Keep in mind that you need to upgrade your Maya account first before using Maya Savings and the rest of Maya’s features. Also, upgrading your Maya account is free and it shouldn’t take long.
Below are the steps on how to transfer your money from your savings to your wallet:
The first step is to open the app, log into your account, open your Maya Savings account, and choose “Transfer my money”. Next, you need to select “My Wallet” as the account destination and enter the transfer amount.
After that, you need to review the transfer details first and tap “Transfer” once done. You may view your receipt or go back to your savings account after transferring your money from your savings to your wallet.
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