Guide on PhilSys ID Requirements for Card Application
PHILSYS ID REQUIREMENTS – Here are the documents needed in applying for a Philippine Identification System ID card.
Aside from the birth certificate and Philippine passport, the other important documents that you can have are valid IDs. Truth be told that there is a long list when it comes to valid IDs but applying for some of these identification cards is not easy and fast. The best IDs you can have are government-issued ones that are considered primary.

In the list of valid IDs, there are primary and there are secondary IDs as well. Often, what the companies prefer are the primary IDs. The secondary identification cards are usually used in support. Otherwise, loan applications, processing of certain documents, opening bank accounts, etc. usually require at least two (2) valid IDs.
If you want to get a primary ID, one of those that you can apply for is the PhilSys ID. There are several registration centers nationwide but it is important that you prepare the PhilSys ID requirements first.

The PhilSys ID application is open for all Filipino citizens as well as resident aliens in the country. However, there is a difference with regards to the expiration dates of the IDs to be issued.
For Filipino citizens, the PhilSys ID to be issued has no expiration date. For resident aliens in the Philippines, the ID card to be issued is valid for one (1) year only. Meanwhile, it can be renewed once it reaches its expiration date. Here are the PhilSys ID requirements in applying for the identification document:
Bring any of the following set of Primary Documents:
- PSA Birth Certificate and one (1) government-issued identification document which bears a full name, front-facing photograph, and signature or thumb mark
- Unified Multi-purpose ldentification (UMID) Card issued by the Government Service lnsurance System (GSIS) or Social Security Systen (SSS)
- Philippine Passport or ePassport issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
- Student’s License Permit or Non- Professional/Professional Driver’s License issued by the LTO
Secondary/Supporting Documents:
- PSA Birth Certificate or National Statistics Office (NSO)-issued Certificate of Live Blrth with Birth Reference Number (BreN)
- PSA-issued Report of Birth
- Local Civil Registry Office (LCRO)-issued Certificate of Live Birth
- PSA-issued Certificate of Foundling
- Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID
- Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Identification Card
- Seaman’s Book (Seafarer’s Record Book)
- Social Security System (SSS) lD
- Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) ID
- Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) ID
- Senior Citizen’s lD issued by the Office of Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) and/or LocalGovernment Units (LGU)
- National Bureau of lnvestigation (NBl) Clearance
- Police Clearance or ID
- Voter’s lD issued by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
- Solo Parent’s ID
- Person with Disability (PWD) lD
- Taxpayer ldentification Number (TlN) Ld
- Postal lD issued by the Philippine Postal Corporation (PhlPost)
- Special Resident Retiree’s Visa (SRRV) issued by the Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA)
- Residence ID from other countries
- National ID from other countries
- Eligibility Card issued by the Civil Service Commission
- Professional ldentification Card issued by the Maritime lndustry Authority (MARINA)
- Dependent’s lD lssued by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and Philippine National Police (PNP)