Here’s a step-by-step process on how to apply to receive a tip on TikTok.
HOW TO APPLY TO RECEIVE A TIP ON TIKTOK? – This article will teach you the step-by-step process on how to apply to receive a tip on the platform.
If you’re a content creator and want to earn money using this platform, tips is one of the ways in monetizing your account. You can earn money whenever your viewers send you tips through your profile.
TikTok has partnered with third-party payment provider Stripe in order to process the payments to you. Keep in mind that you will receive 100% of the tip amount (after Stripe processing fees).

TikTok Tips Eligibility
As a content creator, you need to meet the requirements in order to be eligible to receive tips on the platform.
When it comes to eligibility, you need to be at least 18 years old, must have a personal account, have at least 100k followers on the platform, and must live in a place where TikTok’s “Tips” feature is available. In addition, your TikTok account must be in good standing and must also adhere to the platform’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
Here’s how to apply to receive a tip on the platform:
The first step to do is to open your TikTok account, tap “Profile” at the bottom, ta the “Menu” button at the top, choose “Creator Tools”, select “Tips”, and then tap “Apply”. After that, you need to follow the on-screen instructions.
You’ll be taken to Stripe’s website if you haven’t set up an account. Once you’re application is accepted, you will be able to see your tips on your dashboard as soon as you receive it. However, it may take up to 24 hours for your tips to appear in your Stripe account.
Keep in mind that the tips will be automatically deposited into your bank account on a weekly basis once Stripe has processed your tips. You can also update your bank account information through Stripe as well.
You can visit this tutorial if you want to know how to tip a content creator on the platform.
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