Hand In Hand Meaning & Sentence Examples

Hand In Hand Definition, Sentence Examples

HAND IN HAND MEANING – Find out what hand in hand really means. Example sentences of this idiomatic expression can also be found here.

The translated description of a couple holding hands is the act of one person’s hand being grasped by the other person’s hand. This phrase has been used figuratively since at least the 16th century, and its literal meaning dates back as early as the 1400s. In Shakespeare’s play “Macbeth” (Act I, Scene 3), he used the phrase in its literal sense: “In his 1606 play, Macbeth, Shakespeare portrayed the weird sisters, hand in hand, moving around as symbols of the sea and land.”

While the phrase is found in translations of much earlier texts, this seems to be a matter of artistic liberty. For example, Fremantle et al. translated a passage from the 66th epistle of St. Jerome (347–419 CE) as “[he] walks hand in hand with virtue”; however, the original Latin could be rendered as “[he] walks along with virtue.”


Hand In Hand Meaning:

  • close relationships or ties
  • refers to two individuals holding hands literally, especially as a gesture of love.
  • similar in meaning to “walk along with.”
  • It is used metaphorically to suggest that two things go hand in hand, complement one another, or occur simultaneously.
Photo Source: QuotesGram

Here are examples of sentences that use hand in hand:

  1. Good sleep and happiness always go hand in hand.
  2. Lying and gossip go hand in hand.
  3. I saw Danny and Sarah walking hand in hand along the beach.
  4. The burger and fries go hand in hand.
  5. Roger walked hand in hand with his mom on the beach.

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