Guide on the GSIS Disability Benefit Requirements for Claim Application
GSIS DISABILITY BENEFIT REQUIREMENTS – You can check the comprehensive guide below for the documents needed in filing for a claim to the Government Service Insurance System.
In times of accident that results to a disability or injury, the members of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) has a Disability Benefit that they can turn to. The social insurance institution wants to help its members financially in times when it cannot work due to a disability or injury.

To be eligible to receive the offer of the Government Service Insurance System, the member-filer must be in the service at the time of disability or injury and has paid at least 180 months contributions prior to the disability. The accident that left the member with a disability or injury must not be work related.
GSIS members who have been separated from work may still qualify to avail the benefit offer. However, the said member must have posted at least 36 monthly contributions within the five year period prior to the filing of the claim.
The Disability Benefit offer of the GSIS covers Permanent Total Disability (PTD) including the following:
- complete loss of sight for both eyes
- loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or wrists
- permanent complete paralysis of two limbs
- brain injury resulting in incurable imbecility or insanity
Temporary Total Disability (TTD) and Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) which includes the following are also covered under the benefit offer:
- any finger
- one arm
- one foot
- any toe
- one hand
- one leg
- one or both ears
- hearing of one or both ears
- sight of one eye

Aside from the GSIS Enhanced Conso-Loan Plus, another offer of GSIS is the Disability Benefit. Its requirements depend if you will be processing your loan application at a branch of the Government Service Insurance System or you want to submit it online. Under the former, you must prepare the following documents and submit them at a branch of the state-run social insurance institution nearest to you:
- duly-accomplished Disability Claim Application Form
- original and duplicate copy of Report of Injury/Sickness
- duly-accomplished Form for Income Benefit Claim for Payment, Parts I and II; (1 copy, original)
- duly-accomplished Form for Hospitalization Claim for Payment, Parts I, II and III (1 copy, original)
For email applications, prepare these GSIS Disability Benefit requirements and submit them to your handling branch (the subject must be in this format — “GSIS_TYPE OF CLAIM_BP NO_LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_AGENCY NAME”):
- duly-accomplished Disability Claim Application Form
- original and duplicate copy of Report of Injury/Sickness
- duly-accomplished Form for Income Benefit Claim for Payment, Parts I and II; (1 copy, original)
- duly-accomplished Form for Hospitalization Claim for Payment, Parts I, II and III (1 copy, original)
- clear photo of the claimant holding the duly accomplished application form and his/her UMID card