Vim And Vigor Meaning & Sentence Examples

Vim And Vigor Definition, Sentence Examples

VIM AND VIGOR MEANING – Find out what vim and vigor really means. Example sentences of this idiomatic expression can also be found here.

The phrase “vim and vigor” is an example of tautology, where the same idea is repeated to emphasize meaning. The term was first used in the 1800s, with “vim” appearing exclusively in this expression, and no record of its usage before 1843 can be found.

In contrast, “vigor” has been in use since the 1300s and is believed to have originated from the Latin word “vigere,” meaning “to be lively, to thrive.”


It appears that the original phrase might have been “vis and vigor.” However, the wording changed after the 1800s, and the reason behind the switch from “vis” to “vim” remains unknown. Some sources speculate that the change might have been influenced by the birth of the saying “piss and vinegar,” which is considered crude. It’s reasonable to assume that more educated individuals opted to alter the phrase to avoid sounding common.

Vim And Vigor Meaning:

  • energized and enthusiastic
  • high spirits
  • verve
  • liveliness
  • vitality
Photo Source: Unsplash

Here are examples of sentences that use vim and vigor:

  1. My cat is always full of vim and vigor and can barely sit calmly.
  2. The old woman proved her vim and vigor by running up the steps.
  3. If Tom wishes to reduce his weight, then he should exercise daily with all his vim and vigor.
  4. Even though my granddad is in his 80s, he is still full of vim and vigor.
  5. Dad has to kickstart his new business with vim and vigor.

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