Maxene Magalona Shares What Easter Means To Her

Maxene Magalona: “Just want to share what Easter means to me”

MAXENE MAGALONA – The actress recently shared what Easter means to her.

Easter is a Christian celebration to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb on the 3rd day after his death on the cross.

The actress posted a series of quotes about Easter on her social media account and went on to share what Easter means to her. According to her, Easter is “a sacred time for renewal and rebirth”.

Maxene Magalona
Photo: Maxene Magalona / Instagram

In the caption, the actress shared that all people are capable of change.

There are parts of us that we must bury and there are parts of us that we must resurrect,” the actress said in the caption of her social media post. “This is the beauty of growth and evolution.

According to her, the process may be “hard and tedious” but there will always be hope no matter what happens. She went on to tell the public that their “reward” will be their freedom and they will eventually receive their flowers.

Maxene also posted a family photo on Instagram and also shared her wish for Easter this year. The actress said that her Easter wish is for “more healing, love, and forgiveness” for all families.

READ ALSO: Maxene Magalona Shares What She Learned During Her Healing Journey

Meanwhile, Saab Magalona shared that she tested positive for COVID-19 and she’s currently in isolation.

On Sunday, Saab posted a time lapse video of herself cleaning her room while she’s on Day 5 in isolation at her house. She shared she can confirm that taking a time lapse video of herself while doing a task is “super helpful for ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)”.

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