Female Acrobat Dies After Losing Her Grip on Husband During an Aerial Performance

During an aerial performance, a female acrobat fell to her death after losing her grip on her husband

CHINA – A female acrobat died after losing her grip on her husband during an aerial performance in Anhui province.

The couple, Sun and Zhang, both 37 years old, were performing on an outdoor stage near Suzhou city on April 15, 2023, when the incident happened. They were performing 30 feet high when the woman fell to her death.

The incident was caught on video and raised concerns on social media about the lack of safety measures provided, such as safety nets and cables, for the acrobatic duo. The video showed the couple being lifted by a cable, with the man’s arms wrapped around the fabric tied to the cable and the woman standing on her husband’s feet at the same level.

The woman then hugged the man’s neck, and her legs hung in the air. The moment of tragedy occurred when the woman let go of her husband and fell 30 feet to the ground.

Reports suggest that there was an argument between the couple before the performance, as Sun allegedly refused to use a safety line. However, Zhang denied that they had argued. The Anhui Yaxi Performing Arts Media Company, hired by a local farm business owner to lead the performance, did not obtain a permit from authorities and did not provide safety measures during the show. The company will compensate the victim’s family.

Authorities have promised to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident, Based on the report of PEP.ph, the couple had been married for ten years and had two children.

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