Cedric Escobar on Paco Arespacochaga: “He’s like a second father to me”
CEDRIC ESCOBAR – The singer recently shared the reason why he considered Introvoys drummer Paco Arespacochaga his “second father”.
Cedric told Inquirer at the launch of “Di Na Ba?” — his debut single under PolyEast Records —that he went through a lot of rejections early on in his singing career. He also shared what he learned from his mentor Paco, saying that being told “no” is but a part of the journey in show business.
The singer also told Inquirer that Paco is “like a second father” to him, adding that he’s the kind of person who has a lot of hesitations and doubts but Paco taught him to “let go and trust the process”.

Inquirer reported that in 2016, Cedric, who grew up in the United States, “begged” his parents to let him fly to the Philippines and to try his luck in local show business.
“I was able to reach the final stage of castings or auditions,” Cedric shared. “There were some instances wherein I was offered a role, only for it to be taken back and given to more established actors who expressed interest in it … It was so hard and, little by little, I got discouraged.”
Cedric Escobar also told Inquirer that someone came up to him and asked him if he would be interested to perform as a front act in singer KZ Tandingan’s United States tour then.
READ ALSO: Introvoys Drummer Paco Arespacochaga Worked as ‘Kargador’, Cashier in the US
According to a report on Inquirer, Cedric was fronting for the United States concerts of such artists as Jaya, South Border, Juan Karlos, and more. It was in 2020 when he became a featured act in an Introvoys tour – the time where Paco took notice of him.
The singer shared that being a front act allowed him to meet different artists who have been supportive and appreciative of his talent. However, he said that it was Paco who “went beyond that and took me under his wing”.
Cedric said that he thinks Paco saw his potential, adding that Paco asked him what he really wanted to do with his career in music and what he see himself doing in the future. He also shared that Paco taught him to write and improve his songs and also taught him how to present himself onstage.
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