Steps for Fur Parents on Taking Care of Newborn Puppies at Birth, First Weeks
NEWBORN PUPPIES – Here is a guide on how to take care of newly-born puppies on the birthing day and the first few weeks.
Is your mother dog gonna pop soon? It is important to make sure that everything is prepared and the puppies are well-taken cared of. You can check on some tips below.

Before birthing process…
Prepare the welping box for the mother dog. You must also prepare a heated lamp, clothe, nasal aspirator, thread, betadine, sterilized surgical scissors, and plastic bags. Also, make sure that you are giving the mother calcium a few weeks before the due date. Most fur parents bathe the mother dog and shade the part where the puppies will suck milk on the 58th day since the first session with the father dog.
During birthing process…
Monitor the labor of the mother dog. A puppy must be delivered within the first two (2) hours since the bag of water popped. When the puppy comes out, take it gently and make sure that the umbilical cord is held right. Take the covering and clean the puppy using clean cloth. Use the nasal aspirator on the mouth of the puppy to remove fluids and make a tie on at least half an inch from the navel before cutting the umbilical cord. Put betadine after.
First two (2) weeks…
Make sure to assist the feeding of the puppies every two (2) hours. It is important to assure that the puppies suck the milk well. To monitor the effect of their feeding, take the daily weight of the puppies. It should go an upward trend.
Succeeding weeks…
Make sure that the area of the puppies is clean. It is important for the puppies to be fully-vaccinated, have the right diet for puppies, and take vitamins.
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