Turn Down A Glass Meaning & Sentence Examples

Turn Down A Glass Definition, Sentence Examples

TURN DOWN A GLASS MEANING – Find out what turn down a glass really means. Example sentences of this idiomatic expression can also be found here.

The phrase “turn down a glass for me” was the final written message that novelist Jacques Futrelle sent to his friend in Atlanta. Additionally, the statement can be found in Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich.

It is customary to tip a glass upside down to honor a drinking friend who has passed away (turn down). This is a representation of the drink’s glass on the desk. The individual who is remembering a lost loved one asks for a moment to reflect on them.



  • to turn down a gift that someone has offered.
  • Refuse a drink that is being offered to you.
  • pause for a brief period of time to reflect.
  • lowering and relocating away from something pointy.  Something with a sharp edge.
  • to dismiss
  • to reject
  • putting an end to one thing and focusing on something more significant.

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Photo Source: HelpGuide.org

Here are examples of sentences that use turn down a glass:

  1. Your offer does not meet my needs so I turn down a glass.
  2. Turn down a glass, since that deal will mark a vital turning point in your life.
  3. My friend acknowledged that she had seen the mystic sign, and her achievements in business are enough proof that she turned down a glass.

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