Sea Change Meaning & Sentence Examples

Sea Change Definition, Sentence Examples

SEA CHANGE MEANING – Find out what sea change really means. Example sentences of this idiomatic expression can also be found here.

The phrase sea change originally had to do with how quickly the sea may vary based on the weather. Shakespeare’s The Tempest first makes reference to it in 1611.

It now signifies a more figurative shift. A literal alteration is related to the ancient meaning. Henry David Thoreau, Charles Dickens, and P.G. All of Wodehouse’s literary works used it to suggest a character’s misery. Shakespeare skillfully blends the physical and the metaphorical in The Tempest.



  • a significant shift in perspective
  • to experience a total transformation
  • a notable transformation in appearance

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Photo Source: Right Attitudes

Here are examples of sentences that use sea change:

  1. Since he started working out there has been a sea change in his appearance.
  2. Television has undergone a sea change in the last 5 years.
  3. There was a sea change in her personality after she married her husband.
  4. There’s been a sea change in public opinion.

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