Maxene Magalona: “The best present that you can give your loved ones this Christmas is …”
MAXENE MAGALONA – The actress recently spoke about the “best present” that a person can give to his/her loved ones this Christmas.

On Instagram, Maxene shared that the best present a person can give to his/her loved ones this Christmas is to “BE PRESENT”.
“The best present that you can give your loved ones this Christmas is to BE PRESENT because the present moment is all we really have. No past, no future. Just now,” she wrote.
The actress also said that people should stay in the present moment and connect with those around them by looking them in the eye, actively listening to what they are saying, and being completely immersed in the moment with them.
She also said that people shouldn’t be there physically while thinking of something else, listen to the person talking just to respond, and mindlessly scroll through social media while they’re in the company of others.
READ ALSO: Maxene Magalona Urges Girls Not To Chase After Boys
According to her, life is about sharing precious moments and being grateful for their friends and family.
The actress also encouraged her social media followers to love each other with complete presence and awareness as this “will help us create a more loving and harmonious world”.
In a separate post, Maxene urged girls not to chase after boys and not to waste their energy chasing or pleasing boys. She also said that girls have to be grateful and to also feel and believe that they already have whatever it is that their heart desires.
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