PhilHealth explained that the premium rate for 2022 is retroactively effective since January this year.
PHILHEALTH — The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation explained that the contribution increase starting June 2022 is retroactively effective since January this year.

PhilHealth announced that contributors to the state health insurer would also have to pay the 1% additional premium for the months of January to May 2022 as the new premium rate is retroactive apart from higher contributions to be deducted from employees’ salary starting June this year.
The state health insurer said in its Advisory No. 2022-0010 that members and employers who have already paid their contributions at 3% during the months prior to the scheduled premium rate increase from 3% to 4% starting next month are advised to “generate the corresponding Statement of Premium Account for the paid periods so they can settle the 1% differential payments/remittances until December 31, 2022”.
READ: PhilHealth advisory on 2022 premium contribution hike, starting June.
— Ted Cordero (@Ted_Cordero) May 13, 2022
The increase of premium contribution of 3% to 4% beginning next month is also retroactive effective January.
PhilHealth explained that the premium rate of 4% for this year is retroactively effective since January 2022, although the new contribution rate is only taking effect in June.
The increase in premium is under the Universal Health Care (UHC) law, which mandates that the premium rate shall increase by increments of 0.5% per year starting from 3% in 2020 until it reaches 5%.

GMA News Online reported that the premium contribution was supposed to increase from 3% to 3.5% in January last year but was deferred because of the coronavirus pandemic.
President Duterte heeded calls to defer the scheduled hike of PhilHealth members’ contribution in 2021 amidst the health crisis.
READ ALSO: President Duterte Orders PhilHealth To Defer Contribution Increase
The 4% premium rate means that those earning PHP 10,000 and below would have to pay PHP 400.00 monthly contribution to the state health insurer.
Those earning more than PHP 10,000 but lower than PHP 80,000 need to pay a higher monthly premium ranging between PHP 400 and PHP 3,200, while those earning more than PHP 80,000 would have to pay a flat rate of PHP 3,200.
Based on the report, the monthly contribution to the social health insurance coverage is equally shared by the employer and employee, except for house-helpers or “kasambahays” which are solely shouldered by their household employers.
President Duterte signed the Universal Health Care law in February 2019 to guarantee all Filipinos equal access to affordable and quality goods and services in healthcare.
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