This is the Dentist Board Exam DLE Result May 2022 Full List of Passers
DENTIST BOARD EXAM DLE RESULT MAY 2022 — This is the full list of passers as released by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).
The exam results including the list of passers, top 10 passers, top performing and performance of schools, and other announcements related to this will be posted on this website once PRC will release it.
PRC conducted the Dentist Licensure Examination (DLE) on May 4-6, 2022 (Written Phase) and on May 8-15, 2022 (Practical Phase) at testing centers in Metro Manila.

Chairman Dr. Maria Jona D. Godoy and members Dr. Roberto M. Tajonera, Dr. Melinda L. Garcia, Dr. Rannier F. Reyes, and Dr. Carlito D. Paragas of the PRC Board of Dentistry administered the board examinations.
- General and Oral Anatomy and Physiology
- General and Oral Pathology, General and Oral Microscopic Anatomy and Microbiology
- Restorative Dentistry and Public Health, and Community Dentistry
- Prosthetic Dentistry (Crown and Bridge, Removable Partial Denture and Complete Denture and Dental Materials)
- Roentgenology, Oral Diagnosis and Oral Surgery
- Anesthesiology and Pharmacology
- Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
- Dental Jurisprudence, Ethics and Practice Management
- Periodontics and Endodontics
PRC is expected to release the exam result within 5 working days after the last day of the examination.
The exam result may be released by the PRC earlier or later than the target date without prior notice.
- Notice of Admission
- Duly accomplished Oath Form
- 2 pieces of passport-sized ID photos in white background and with complete name tag
- 2 sets of documentary stamp
- 1 piece short brown envelope
Aspiring dentists can visit the official website of the Professional Regulation Commission and use the verification page for the results of the board examination passing rate.
Examinees will be required to provide their full name, birthdate, application number, exam name, and date of examination.