CBCP Guidelines for Catholic Voters
CBCP – The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines cited the guidelines of “good Catholics” in voting during the election.
Many Filipinos have already decided on who they will vote on the upcoming May 2022 Election. Currently, the candidates for the national election are busy campaigning and reaching more individuals.
Campaign events usually gather the supporters of the candidates. They do not only express their support to their bets but they also organize activities to campaign for their candidates.
As for the Catholic Church, it is not endorsing any candidate but it has cited the guidelines on the basis of a “good Catholic” in voting during the election. CBCP President and Caloocan Bishop Pablo Virgilio David cited the considerations.

Based on a report on ABS-CBN News, the CBCP President said that a good Catholic voter will vote for someone who will:
- maintain and strengthen the democracy in the country
- abid by the law
- respect the dignity and rights of the people
Several Church leaders expressed their support to Vice Pres. Leni Robredo‘s presidential bid. They include priests, nuns, lay ministers, and other key officials in the Catholic church who are praying and have signed on supporting the Vice President.
During the previous events in line with the presidential candidacy of the Vice President, her supporters and several members of the Catholic Church organized masses to pray for her victory in the upcoming election.
Meanwhile, the endorsements were done as individuals and not as a whole of the Catholic Church since it is not the nature of the Church to have a bet in the upcoming election. Fr. Jerome Secillano stressed that the function of the Church is to teach, educate, and form the conscience of the people so they will choose the candidates that are worthy for the positions and in leading the country.
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