Woman Gives Birth on Boat in Burdeos, Quezon

Baby on boat!

BURDEOS – A woman gave birth on board a passenger boat in the middle of the sea of the said town in Quezon on Tuesday morning, January 11, 2022.

baby on boat
Photo credit to the owner

According to a certain Jomar Encina who caught on cam the unprecedented delivery of Eljane Perez, the pregnant woman and her husband Romnick came from the island barangay of Carlagan and they were on their way to the birthing center in Burdeos.

This month is said to be the due date of Eljane’s pregnancy that’s why she decided to give birth at the clinic in Burdeos because there’s no midwife in their barangay.

In the middle of the sea plus high waves, Eljane gave birth to a baby boy. They are lucky that one of the passengers knows what to do during delivery. Other female passengers also helped in the delivery of Eljane.

Eventually, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, her firstborn.

When they arrived in Burderos, the mother and the child were immediately rushed to a nearby clinic to ensure that they are safe.

On the other hand, Romnick, the husband of Eljane, is grateful to their fellow passengers who helped in the delivery of his wife.

They named the baby, Prince Giomar Perez.

Meanwhile, residents of Barangay Carlagan are hoping that they will soon have a midwife and birthing center in their place.

This is not the first time that such an incident happened.

Last year, a pregnant woman gave birth at a vaccination facility in Makai City.

According to Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), the husband of the 26-year-old woman rushed to their main headquarters asking for help.

It was around 5:27 p.m. when the woman was brought by her husband- a tricycle driver to MMDA headquarters.

The vaccination team prepared a makeshift delivery table while waiting for the ambulance to come. But 14 minutes later, the woman gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

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