ECQ extension in Metro Manila “possible”, according to DOH.
ECQ EXTENSION — The Department of Health (DOH) said that extending the implementation of the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) in Metro Manila remained a possibility amidst the increasing number of coronavirus cases in the area.

In a television interview, Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire said on Tuesday that there’s always that possibility because based on what’s currently happening and the continuing increase in coronavirus cases, it’s not just the lockdown that should be expected to decrease the COVID-19 cases and the national government was gearing towards that.
According to Vergeire, they needed to intensify their response in order to minimize economic burden.
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Vergeire said that they’re expanding the bed capacity of hospitals in order to accomodate more COVID-19 patients.
She then encouraged healthcare facilities to prioritize those patients who were experiencing severe coronavirus symptoms in terms of hospital admission.
Vergeire added that they can place other types of patients like asymptomatic and have mild coronavirus symptoms in Level 1 facilities or temporary treatment and monitoring facilities (TTMFs).
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Vergeire also said that they’re eyeing to regulate the sale of oxygen tanks. According to her, oxygen tanks will only be sold to those who really need it and so it should be prescribed.
According to Vergeire, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Department of Health (DOH) were currently in talks with oxygen manufacturers so that they can increase their production in order to further increase the supply to hospitals.
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