BioNTech was confident that the COVID-19 vaccine would be effective against the new strain of coronavirus disease in UK.
A chief executive of BioNTech said that he’s confident that COVID-19 vaccine would be effective against new strain of coronavirus disease in the United Kingdom.

On Monday, BioNTech Chief Executive Ugur Sahin said on Bild TV that BioNTech would investigate the new strain in the coming days but that he viewed the said matter with a “degree of soberness”.
Reuters reported that countries worldwide closed their borders to UK on Monday due to fears about a highly-infectious strain of coronavirus disease which caused travel chaos and raised the prospect of food shortages in the United Kingdom.
Sahin was speaking shortly after the European Union (EU) cleared regulatory hurdles for the COVID-19 vaccine, jointly developed with Pfizer, to be rolled out after Christmas.
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As per the report, Sahin’s note of calm about the new strain of coronavirus disease in UK echoed the World Health Organization (WHO) — which cautioned against major alarm — saying that this was a “normal part” of a coronavirus pandemic’s evolution.
Sahin also said that he hadn’t yet been vaccinated but would like to be, adding that it’s more important that his employees get the COVID-19 vaccine so that they can continue to do their jobs.
Meanwhile, local health authorities earlier mentioned that the new strain of coronavirus disease had yet to reach the Philippines.
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