Thoughtful Cat Packs Little Snacks For Owner Every Night
THOUGHTFUL CAT PACKS LITTLE SNACKS – Being a furr-parent can be absolutely rewarding, especially when you have such a thoughtful pet.
A cat named Nova went viral for being one of the most thoughtful cats to ever grace the internet. According to her owner, Nova puts a little bit of kibble inside her purse every night in case she gets hungry while she’s out.
Facebook netizen JJ M’kael posted:
“Fun fact: My cat packs me a little snack every night in case I get hungry while im out.She puts some of her kibble in my purse. Nightly. Always in the same exact pocket. I know its nightly because I just cleaned all the kibble out of said pocket like 10 hours ago, woke up, checked my purse, new snäcks have arrived. A very thoughtful bebe“

This wholesome post immediately went viral and now has over 16 thousand reacts and has been shared 11 thousand times on Facebook. M’kael herself was suprised to see the amount of support she and her cat got on social media.
After her post blew-up, she said:
I was not expecting this to blow up the way it did, her name is Nova! She is very thankful for all the kind comments she just gotta make sure her dumb lörge hairless kitten (me) doesn’t die, u kno? I am a terrible hunter turns out.
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