Areas with over 3,000 active COVID-19 cases would be considered priority for vaccination, according to vaccine czar Carlito Galvez Jr.
Vaccine czar Carlito Galvez Jr. on Thursday said that areas with over 3,000 active COVID-19 cases would be considered priority in the government’s vaccination effort that was expected to begin next year.
Galvez made his statement in an interview on GMA Network’s Dobol B sa News TV when asked about the appeal of the residents in Iloilo City to be included in the priority list that he enumerated in a public briefing last Wednesday.
He, who was also the chief implementer of the National Task Force Against COVID-19, also said that cities were considered priorities as they’re usually economic centers and have cases of coronavirus disease.

Galvez added that government officials and essential workers in the business sectors are also included in addition to the priority sectors that he earlier mentioned.
According to him, COVID-19 vaccines would be administered to the priority recipients for free and assured the public that the COVID-19 vaccine drive would be free of politics.
Over 35 million Filipinos, Galvez said, would be prioritized to receive COVID-19 vaccines against COVID-19, adding that the priority list came from the Department of Health (DOH) and was created with the guidance of President Rodrigo Duterte.
Areas that Galvez identified include the following: Metro Manila, Central Luzon, Calabarzon, Bacolod, Iloilo, Cebu, Cagayan de Oro, and Davao.
According to Galvez, the government was planning to annually administer the COVID-19 vaccine to 20 million – 30 million Filipinos in three to five years, adding that the government targeted to vaccinate 60 million to 70 million Filipinos.
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Hi, good day to all!!… I just have a simple and understandable question… Is it really mandatory or necessary to take a vaccine???… Is it really mandatory that every Filipinos even children will take a vaccine???… As a democratic country I think we must ask first the individual if he/she is willing to take a vaccine because we are not 100% sure if the vaccine itself is safe for our body or is our body is safe to have that vaccines??!!!… Remember our body has different immune systems!!!…. What we must do or develop is to have a strong immune systems with out having vaccines against covid 19..!!!