Who is Little Aimee?
LITTLE AIMEE – Here are some details about the “adopted daughter” of the Marcos family.

Television entertainment reporter MJ Marfori-Oida was one of Raffy Tulfo’s co-hosts on Idol In Action, a TV5’s public service program.
MJ Marfori is the wife of GMA-7 news reporter Oscar Oida. The two got married at San Agustin Church on January 30, 2016.
Among the guests during their wedding was Aimee R. Marcos, known as Little Aimee, the “adopted daughter” of the Marcos family when Ferdinand Marcos was the president.
Last October 2019, Little Aimee was spotted again in the wake of Teresita Romualdez at the Santuario de San Antonio, Forbes Park, Makati City.
Teresita is MJ’s mother.
At Teresita’s wake, it was then found out that she was Aimee’s biological mother.
When Marcos was the president, his eldest daughter Imee Marcos was rumored of having a child.
According to the rumors, Imee Marcos secretly got pregnant and gave birth to a child abroad in 1978 and Aimee was the result.
Imee Marcos is currently a Philippine senator.
And 41 years later, the truth came out: Aimee was the daughter of Teresita Romualdez.
Teresita is the niece of former First Lady Imelda Marcos because she is the daughter of her brother Vicente Romualdez.
Ever since Aimee was born in America, it has been Imelda who has nurtured and raised her.
To this day, Imelda and Ferdinand are her recognized parents.
When Aimee was a teenager, she also became part of the music industry as the drummer of the indie music band, The Dorques.
When MJ was asked if Aimee was her half-sister, her answer was “yes”.
The confirmation ended the urban legend about Little Aimee and Imee Marcos.
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Why the need to hide her real biological mother for years?
Why hiding it for long?
My former boss mentioned before during her days in UP Diliman, she happened to saw Imee Marcos brought a baby in her class and watched her breastfed the baby, she overheard to be called “little Aimee.” If there the different child, then i must assumed theres another hidden baby.
lol! and you believed your professor? a prominent figure bringing a child in her class and worst breast feeding in front of everyone… hhhmmm…
No need to discuss it and tell publicy about it and they’re not hiding it. They’re very private about what not matter as for their public service.
Mr. Bello- that story is non sense; why will Aimee breast feed the baby Aimee in front of somebody if they want to hide her? It’s obvious that your professor just want to be on the news headline. Quite thinking huh!!!!
Aimee is , was Imee Romualdez’s child. She should acknowledge her as such. Rather than hide the fact that she had an out of wedlock baby, she should be proud of her.
Gone are the days that we condemn women who bear children without the church’s blessings. As a politician Imee should be the voice of the women who risk ridicule to save the child a mother loves. She should be the voice of these women. The young and voiceless girls who risk their reputation rather than opt for abortion.