Answer to the riddle “If eleven plus two equals one, what does nine plus five equal?”
What could be your possible answer if you were given a chance to solve this riddle: “If eleven plus two equals one, what does nine plus five equal?“
See the photo below:

Recently, riddles had been circulating on social media and riddles can be in the form of a storyline, a photo analysis, or a tricky question.
Riddles, as defined by Lexico, powered by Oxford, was “a question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning, typically presented as a game“.
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In the said photo, you were tasked to solve the problem. At first glance, you might think that this riddle may find it difficult for you to answer this. But when you already knew that there was a pattern in it, you can guess the answer correctly.
In order for you to answer this riddle, you need to analyze the image first. Once you analyzed it mathematically or logically, you can formulate your guesses and checked if it was true.
If you solve the problem mathematically, the result was 14, which was wrong. The answer to this question is 2. How? Why 2?
It’s because the first phrase “If eleven plus two equals one” used the clock as a reference. Let’s rephrase it!
The numbers present in the clock were from numbers 1 to 12 and went back to one after 12. Therefore, “11:00 plus 2 hours equals 1:00”.
In the same manner, if you’re looking for the value of “nine plus five” using the clock method presented above, you will get the answer of 2:00.
Therefore, the answer to this question is two.
Now that you already knew the answer, you can share it with anyone who didn’t know the answer to this riddle.
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