Answer to the riddle “How can the number four be half of five?”
Riddles have been circulating on social media recently and this time, we’re going to answer the riddle “How can the number four be half of five?”

Riddle is a “question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning, typically presented as a game,” as defined by Lexico, powered by Oxford
But what do you think is the answer in this particular riddle: “How can the number four be half of five?”
You might do elaborate fractions just to figure out the answer behind this riddle. However, there is no such thing as mathematical involvement in this brain-teaser.
All you need to do is to read the sentence carefully because this is not about equations, it’s all about wordplay.
And after you have clearly understood this, you might get shocked with the answer behind it.
The answer to the riddle “How can the number four be half of five?” is… “IV”.
Because “IV” is the Roman numeral for four (IV=four) and it is “HALF” (two letters) of the word FIVE- the letters between F and E.
In other words, it is located between the letters F and E of the word/number FIVE.
What can you say about this? Share your thoughts or insights in the comment section below.
For more riddles and brain-teasers, feel free to visit this website more often.