Facebook invited its users to take part in a COVID-19 Survey conducted by the University of Maryland.
Facebook invited its users across the globe to take part in a COVID-19 Survey for Public Health Research conducted by the University of Maryland.
This, after Facebook previously partnered with Carnegie Mellon University in conducting its COVID-19 survey to its users in the United States.

As part of Facebook’s Data For Good, the said survey may be used in order to generate new insights on how to respond to the global crisis caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 — including heat maps of self-reported symptoms of COVID-19.
The information generated from the said survey may help health systems plan on where resources were needed as well as potentially when, where, and how to reopen parts of society.
According to Facebook, the Joint Program in Survey Methodology of the University of Maryland was the survey host for the global survey (excluding the United States) and the Delphi Research Group of the Carnegie Mellon University was the survey host for the US survey. Facebook clarified that it didn’t host COVID-19 surveys nor collecting responses, adding that it only has access to “public and aggregated” data provided by the University of Maryland and the Carnegie Mellon University.
In order for Facebook to ensure that the COVID-19 survey was “representative of the characteristics of the population”, Facebook calculated and shared a survey weight in order to assist researchers correct for sampling bias.

If you want to take part in the said survey, you can visit this link.
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