Update on the Coronavirus Cases in United States
CORONAVIRUS CASES IN UNITED STATES – The total number of confirmed cases of the COVID-19 in the United States (US) increased.
Several nations now are battling against the 2019 novel coronavirus, a new strain of coronavirus that first hit China. One of these nations with confirmed cases of the disease is the United States.
U.S. is among those that were quick to implement measures to contain the spread of the disease since the first case was recorded. However, the infection rate of the said strain of coronavirus is really high.

Based on a report on CNN, the coronavirus cases in the United States is now approaching 1,000. A total of 985 confirmed cases were recorded in the country.
Deaths due to COVID-19 were also recorded in U.S. A total of 30 people died of the disease that left China and Italy under an outbreak.
Based on the report, 24 of those 30 coronavirus deaths in U.S. were recorded in Washington, two (2) in California, and two (2) in Florida. New death cases were recorded in South Dakota and New Jersey.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, expressed that the current situation requires a need for change in the lifestyle of the people. He stressed that it does not matter whether the person is living in a state with or without cases of coronavirus.
“We would like the country to realize that as a nation, we can’t be doing the kinds of things we were doing a few months ago,” the doctor said.
Aside from U.S., several nations are strictly monitoring the disease in their nations now. More updates may be posted soon.