Iran Records First Coronavirus Deaths in Middle East
CORONAVIRUS DEATHS IN MIDDLE EAST – The authorities in Iran confirmed the 1st deaths in Middle East due to the novel coronavirus.
The global fight against the novel coronavirus which first emerged in China continues. Everyday, the number of infected individuals increases and there are also deaths recorded daily.
Officially named as the COVID-19, the novel coronavirus has left Wuhan City, China under a lock-down. The outbreak of the disease has infected more than 60,000 people in the mainland and over 1,000 died of the nCoV.

The first death due to coronavirus outside China was recorded in the Philippines. It was followed by a death case in Hong Kong which is also greatly infected by the outbreak of the disease.
Most coronavirus patients outside China are Chinese people who also came from Wuhan City. Many were not able to return to Wuhan when the lock-down was implemented.
Recently, the authorities in Iran confirmed the first coronavirus deaths in Middle East. Speaking to Al Jazeera, Iran’s health minister Alireza Vahabzadeh expressed that “two elderly people” passed away due to the novel coronavirus.
The patients were in the city of Qom in Tehran south. Based on the report, the health minister revealed that the patients suffered “acute lung infections” due to their coronavirus infection.
According to Iran Ministry of Health’s spokesperson, Kianoush Jahanpour, the two (2) elderly patients old age and immune deficiencies have led to their passing while fighting against the coronavirus. Both of them tested positive for the disease in the preliminary testing.