Authorities Reveal Filipino Confirmed Positive For Coronavirus in Singapore
FILIPINO CONFIRMED POSITIVE FOR CORONAVIRUS – The authorities confirmed that a Pinoy tested positive for the novel coronavirus in Singapore.
The novel coronavirus, officially called as COVID-19, continues to challenge several countries across the globe now. It was first recorded in China, in the city of Wuhan in Hubei province.
There are speculations that the virus could have come from bats. The suspect is the bat soup served in the market in Wuhan. With regards to the symptoms of the disease, the patient with coronavirus may experience fever, colds, cough, and breathing problems.
One of the countries affected by the novel coronavirus aside from China is Singapore. Currently, there are 89 cases of the said disease in the country.

Based on a report on Rappler, one of the patients is a Pinoy. The authorities recently revealed that a male Filipino was confirmed positive for coronavirus in Singapore and a tracing is being done now.
Speaking to Rappler, PH Ambassador to Singapore Joseph Yap expressed that the patient had no recent travel to China, the epicenter of the disease. He added that the Singaporean authorities are now tracing those he had close contacts with.
Based on the report, the Filipino who was confirmed positive for coronavirus in Singapore is now being isolated and treated at the National Center for Infectious Diseases. The government of Singapore will shoulder all the costs in the treatment of nCoV patients.
The Philippine Embassy also expressed willingness to extend the assistance that the Filipino patient in Singapore will need. The government can help by reaching out or bringing his family abroad.